Its not always easy fighting the good fight, living a worthwhile life and making a difference. We all need something to remind us what we are doing and why. Here's a few things that have inspired me recently:
The Linchpin Portfolio - Artwork by Hugh McLeod (@gapingvoid) inspired by Seth Godin's latest book Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?
Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide
The Secret Society for Creative Philanthropy - recently outed in the New York Times, agents of the Society find creative ways to give away $100. From scattering 10 000 pennies to donating money for Haitian earthquake relief efforts . . . Its not about the money or even the effectiveness of the donation. This secret society is all about involved, engaged, thoughtful giving. And it kind of sounds like fun!
What's inspiring you at the moment?