02 January 2009

New Year's Resolutions Anyone?

Its that time again. Time for reflecting on your achievements in the year just gone and setting goals for the year ahead.

I'm not a big fan of sweeping New Year's Resolutions. For most of us they are simply an airy-fairy wishlist of things we would like to be different in the coming year, rather than real, executable, achievable goals.

Happy new year 2008-1Image by Matthew Fang via FlickrIf your goal is to Make a Difference to any area of your life, or the lives of others, in 2009 then you need to read the following posts. Some of the best New Years Wisdom from the blogosphere for setting New Year's Resolutions that stick.

  1. The Biggest Mistake You are Going to Make in 2009

  2. The Year of the SwashBuckle

  3. Thinking Seeds . . .

  4. Make 2009 Great: Join The Power of Less New Years Challenge!

  5. How To be Damned Serious About Your New Years Goals

  6. Seven Powerful Tips for 2009

  7. Forget Resolutions. The Secret to Freedom and Focus this Year

  8. Learn to tune OUT to tune IN to great progress in 2009

What New Year's posts have inspired you so far?

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