Its so easy to blame McDonalds for making us overweight rather than accepting responsibility for our own poor diet choices. Or to blame credit card companies for drowning us in debt rather than accepting responsibilty for our own bad spending habits. Or to blame the loss of local jobs on big business rather than on our lack of support for locally made goods
Its time to take a look at the choices we make as individuals and consider their consequences. If we choose to buy overpackaged products, then they will continue to be made. If we choose not to support our local economy, it won't thrive. If we choose to live outside of our means, we will get into debt. If we choose to support businesses that pollute our environment, they will continue to do so.
Its up to each one of us to start making informed and mindful choices about how we live our lives rather than sitting back and waiting for 'them' to fix things for us. Its up to each one of us to start now instead of sitting back and waiting for everyone else to do something - someone needs to be first . . . why not you??
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