14 April 2008

5 Ways to Get More Exercise (without joining a gym)

Do you find it hard to fit the recommended 30 minutes of exercise into your busy day? When you think exercise, do you conjure up images of lycra and expensive gym memberships?

If you answered 'Yes' to either of these questions, then this list is for you!

Exercise is an important component of wellbeing, and for many people a regular exercise routine is a difficult habit to adopt. So here are some quick tips to help you build more activity into your lifestyle.

1. Take the stairs instead of the lift.
Not only are you getting a good cardio workout, you're also toning your glutes and thighs.

2. Go for a walk with a friend
Instead of catching up over coffee, try going for a walk instead. You should still be able to just comfortably hold a conversation when you are exercising at a moderate intensity. A workout buddy is a great way to stay motivated to exercise.

3. Play in the park with your kids
Go on, have fun! Take a ball or a frisbee. Play catch, play tag, climb on the bars, indulge your inner child. Your kidswill love it and so will your body!

4. Park at the back of the carpark
Don't fight with everyone else for those parks closest to the supermarket door. There are always plenty of parks at the back of the carpark. Go for one of those and get your shopping off to a less stressful start and get some exercise at the same time!

5. Dance
Turn up the music, get down and boogey! On your own, with your significant other, or your kids . . . get moving! That's right, exercise can be FUN!!

Got any other ideas? Leave a comment, we'd love to hear from you!!

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