02 May 2010

Rules of Engagement

If you're going to be changing the world, chances are you aren't going to be doing it alone - and there will probably be more than a few meetings involved.  Change can be a contentious process, and in order not to let conflict get in the way of progress, it helps to lay down some ground rules.

Here's a few examples of rules that can set the scene for an effective meeting: 

  • No sidetalking or interruption
  • Respect each other
  • Speak personally - use "I" statements
  • Along with the right to speak goes the responsibility to listen
  • If you can't say it here, you can't say it anywhere
  • Be open and honest
  • Have fun - laughter is good
  • Look for the best in each other
  • Know the process is imperfect - we probably won't achieve all things for all people
Remember conflict is not a bad thing, its how it is managed that makes the difference between it being destructive or  productive.  How do you manage conflict in your efforts to change the world?

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